E-mail Forwarding in Cloud Website Hosting
It is really simple to configure forwarding for just about any email set up in a cloud website hosting account from us. This can be accomplished either while you set up a brand new email address in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or any time in the future because the forwarding may be enabled and deactivated for any current mailbox with only a few clicks. It is also possible to choose if a backup copy of the incoming emails will be kept on our servers, a pretty practical option. This can be a fail-safe in case that the remote mailbox is not available for some reason, not mentioning you will have always a backup of all of the e-mails. When this feature is not enabled for a specific email on our end, an incoming message will be received and sent forward, so absolutely no record of it will stay on our server. In case the remote email address is unavailable for the moment, you'll lose this message.
E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The feature-rich Email Manager interface in the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which comes with all of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting, will assist you to forward any email that you make in the account to one or many different email address with just a number of mouse clicks. Additionally, you will have the ability to see a list of all mailboxes that you've, which of them are forwarded and also exactly where they are forwarded to. Email forwarding can be enabled and disabled whenever you want and you can now also select whether a backup of the incoming e-mails needs to be maintained on our system or not. Though this option is completely optional, it could be more convenient when you take advantage of it, because you possess a backup of the messages when there is any kind of trouble with the remote mail server. Even when there's a short-term problem and no emails are lost on our servers, you may still not receive a forwarded email in case it was relayed by our servers throughout the downtime.